Unveiling the Profound Layers of the Ramayana:-

RAMAYANA is made up of two words ; RAM + AYANA. RAM actually or typically refers to Lord Rama, the seventh avatar of Lord Vishnu , and AYANA means the home or the path or journey. RAMAYANA basically refers to the home of Ram or the journey of Ram.The epic, traditionally attributed to the sage Valmiki, explores themes of duty, righteousness, and the eternal battle between good and evil.Valmiki is not only credited with composing the Ramayana but is also considered the Adi Kavi, the first poet, in Sanskrit literature. His work holds great cultural and spiritual significance in Vedic Hinduism, and he is venerated for his contribution to the narrative of Lord Rama’s life.

Deciphering the Passage of Time for Ramayan :-

Well, 1kalpa consists of 71 chaturyug ( the four yugs together are known as chaturyug ) . The time period for 1 chaturyug ( the four yugs together ) is 43,20,000. { Well an intresting fact , 1 kalpa is Lord Brahma’s one day }.The born of Lord Rama took place in numerous Chaturyug but the 24 th Chaturyugi ‘s , in tretya yug’s Shri Ram avatar is well known.

Exploring the Reason Behind Lord Rama's Avatar":-

Lord Rama had bornt in this cosmic world in several ways ( like some people believe it was because the curse of Narada Muni , the jinx of Maa Vrinda , but the reason whicj holds the most significance is of Rajarshi Manu and Satrupa ) but for only one reason i.e. “||YADA YADA HI DHARMASYA GLANI R BHAVATI BHARATA ABHYUSTHANA MADHARMASYA TADATPANA SRUJA MYAHAM||” [ From The Bhagvat Geeta ] / “||JAB JAB HOYI DHARAMA KI HANI BADHAI ASURA ADHAMA ABHIMANI KARAHI ANITI JAYI NAHI BARANI SADAHIN BIPRA DHENU SURA DHARANI TAB TAB PRABHU DHARI BIBHIDA SHARIRA HARAHIN KRUPANIDHI SAJJAN PEERA||”[ From Ramcharit Manas ].These two verses literally mean,Whenever and wherever there will be a decline in righteousness, and a predominant rise of unrighteousness, at that time the lord will manifest himself.
But in this 24 th Chaturyugi’s avatar, who was creating turmoil in the path of dharma or who was the rabble – rouser for which Lord Vishnu himself had to be incarnated as Lord Ram?

Birth of a Mythical Villain in Ramayan":-

Lord Vishnu had to embody himself as Ram to kill, the almost Unconquerable demon Ravana, so, at first we must acknowledge the birth of this demon.

Exploring the Birth and Mythology Surrounding Ravana":-

Brahma’s first four sons were born, together who are knows as ‘CHATURSANAKA’ or ‘SANATKUMAR’. Their names were, ‘SANAKA’, ‘SANANDANA’, ‘SANATANA’ and ‘SANATKUMAR’.
All of them were Brahma Wadi ( the one who follows Brahmacharya ). They are revered for their dedication to spiritual pursuits. They had chosen a path of celibacy and wisdom, engaging in profound meditation and acquiring vast knowledge of the cosmic truths. And they too were very proud of their father and always used to glorify and praise him. They were blessed by their father that they could go to any place of their choice just like Narad Muni. Once,they planned to visit Lord Vishnu’s abode, Vaikuntha. By looking at the celestial abode of Lord Vishnu, Vaikuntha, they were mesmerized.Its unparalleled beauty and serenity, its realm of eternal bliss, where the atmosphere was infused with divine harmony and tranquility, the landscape was resplendent with lush gardens, shimmering lakes, and majestic palaces adorned with precious gems and jewels, the air was filled with the sweet fragrance of celestial flowers, and the melodies of celestial musicians filled the air with enchanting tunes ,everything enamored them. There were basically 7 doors to finally visit the Shrine of Lord Vishnu. They went near the first door, the guard allowed to them for going inside. The second guard too. The third, the fourth, the fifth and the sixth door guards allowed them to go inside. When they came across the seventh door, there were two guards standing. They were Jaya and Vijaya. They were great devotees of Lord Vishnu. They stopped the ‘CHATURSANAKA’ from going inside as Lord Vishnu and Maa Laxmi were inside. They said,”Without the permission of our Lord, We cannot let you go inside, respectable Sanyasis”. The ‘SANATKUMAR’ grew infuriated and said,” Very strange thing,you are saying. In Vaikuntha Pur, where there is no feeling of enmity , How you both can stop some tyagi, sisu balak, sanyasi from going inside to meet their deity? Who gave you this instruction?”. Still, Jaya and Vijaya didn’t let them to go inside. Enraged ‘CHATURSANAKA’ said them,”As you both are becoming a barrier between the eternal love of deity and devotee, the place in which you are standing is called as ‘Vaikunthapur’ which means a place where there is no kunthabodh ( negativity ) ,As you are stopping brahmacharis like us from going inside, showing the characteristics of Asuras.Therefore, we hereby curse you that you will become Asuras”. Listening the hustle – bustle coming from outside, Vishnu went their straight. After contemplating what had happened, Vishnu said,”As these are my servent, the miss deeds of a servent is reflected upon their master, I , hereby ask you for forgiveness”. The brothers got frightened by the rovering thought of cursing one of the greatest devotees of the Lord. They asked Vishnu how they can retreat back their curse. Vishnu said,”No curse can be ever took back. The only thing you can do is to lessen it”. Thereafter, the ‘CHATURSANAKA’ gave Jaya and Vijaya two options; Either they can be Ashuras for life long and sing the praise of Vishnu or for 3 births, they will be ‘VISHNU VIRODHI ASURAS’ ( the Asuras who oppose Lord Vishnu ) .They choose the second option but put a condition that Lord Vishnu will have to liberate them from all the 3 births. Vishnu agreed to this. As per the curse, they lost the ‘Vishnu bhav’ from their body. As they lost it , their souls started falling down from the Swarga. Simultaneously, Rishi Kashyapa’s wife, Diti ,who was so tempted to have physical relation , asked Kashyapa to satisfy her through intimacy . Kashyapa said,”Devi , what are you saying? This is bhoota bela, If I satisfy you now , you will be giving births to Asuras”. But she was so lost in the world of pleasure that she didn’t paid heed to the statement of the Rishi. The couple made love. At the end of the intercourse, the souls of Jaya and Vijaya get embedded in the uterus of Diti. In Satya Yuga, Diti gave birth to Hiranakshya and Hiranyakshipu. In Tretya Yuga, She gave birth to Ravana and Kumbhakarna. In Dwapar Yuga, She gave birth to Sisupala and Dantavakra. { All of them are Vishnu protestors + was also killed by the mighty, Lord Vishnu }. To liberate his devotees ,Jaya and Vijaya, in Tretya Yuga, Vishnu had to take the avatar of Lord Ram causing Ramayan.

Exploring the Legend of Manu and Satrupa":-

The Ramayana Series 1

Manu and Satrupa are the primal man and woman. Manu is believed to be the progenitor of humanity and Satrupa or shraddha, Manu’s wife is believed to be the mother of the humankind. Lord Brahma created Manu from his right hand and Satrupa from his left hand, this is why we call wives as ‘Bamangi’. In the last year’s of their lives, they handed over the kingdom to their son , Uttanapada, and adopted penance. The motive of their meditation was to receive the Parambrahma as their son. They became so indulged and lost in meditation that it even compelled the Parambrahma to appear before them. When Parambrahma arrived there, the couplet opened their eyes and vowed to the spiritual energy. When he asked them for their wish, they said that they wanted to view the roop or form of his which Lord Shiva always kept in his heart.Lord incarnated himself as Ram to fulfill the wish of his devotees. But Parambrahma said,”I am fully satisfied with your renouncement , ask me for a boon.”They said that they wanted him as their son in the next birth. Parambrahma granted them this wish. Manu said,”Oo , Lord I want you only as my son, I shall not know who actually you are other than my lovely son.” But Satrupa said,” Lord, I shall know that who you are other than my son.” Parambrahma assured them this and evanesced. In the next birth, Manu was incarcerated as Raja Dashrath and Satrupa was embodied as Maa Kaushlya belonging to Raghu dynasty.

Ravana's terrorism:-

Ravana’s elder brother was kuber, the god of wealth, and he was rulling over the vast kingdom of Lanka. As he was the god of wealth, he had transversed everything into gold that’s why Lanka is also known to be,“SUBARNAPURI LANKA”. The Subjects were elated with his rule. In the meantime, Ravana and Kumbhakarna took birth as the sons of Rishi Vishrava and Ashuri Nikasa. Just only after few days of birth, they started praying to Lord Brahma. The meditate so truthfully and deeply that Brahma was compelled to appear before them and to ask.them for their wishes. Ravana at first asked for the boon of immortality but fortunately, it was not in the hand of Brahma. Brahma refused to grant him this boon. Then , he asked that he would win all over the three worlds and nobody could defeat him except man and monkey ( NARA AND VANARA ), as they have minimal energy and couldn’t even put a strach on him. Brahma agreed to grant him this wish. Then, Kumbhakarna, asked Brahma that he will sleep for 6 months, then wake up one day , and again will sleep for the next months. Then both the brothers returned to Lanka happily. Ravana eradicated kubera from his thore and became the king himself and married the daughter of Ashura Mayadaitya , Mandodari. As he became the ‘Ekanga Chakravarthy’ , he established his foot over all the planets present, captured Indra and all other robust devas and made them his servent. For his protection, he posted ‘KHARA,’DUSANA’ AND ‘TRISHIRA'(Demons) in the province of Dandakaranya. Moreover, in the north, he appointed ‘TADAKA’ AND HER BOTH SONS ‘MARICHA’ AND ‘SABAHU’ ( again Demons ). He had given instructions to all the Ashuras that no body could worship Lord Vishnu, and also prohibited the yagyans by the Rishis. Those who had violated his proclamation, were straightly put to death.

{ The birth of Ram }

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